Chocolate-Tahini Loaf Cinnamon and Cayenne

Chocolate-Tahini Loaf Cinnamon and Cayenne

The recipe for this amazing quick bread with cocoa, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper won’t leave anyone indifferent 🙂 · 163 grams (1¼ cups) all-purpose flour · 42 grams (⅓ cup) plus 2 tablespoons unsweetened Dutch-processed cocoa powder, divided · 2 teaspoons baking...
Healthy homemade Armenian lavash with olive oil and za’atar

Healthy homemade Armenian lavash with olive oil and za’atar

The recipe is super simple and healthy if you enjoy healthy food like me. Ingredients: all-purpose flour -210 gr, whole flour 40 gr, hot water – 125 ml, canola oil – 1 tablespoon, salt- one teaspoon, zaatar, olive oil. 1) Dissolve salt in hot water. 2) Make a hole in...
English teatime with homemade rugelach with blueberry jam and pecans!

English teatime with homemade rugelach with blueberry jam and pecans!

Делюсь этим простым рецептом очень вкусной выпечки к чаю, не особо сладкой и на скорую руку без яиц и сахара. Пальчики оближешь 😊 Понадобятся: мука – 220 гр., соль – пол чайной ложки, сливочное масло -170 гр., сметана пол стакана (120мл), чайная ложка...